
Gift Acceptance Policy

Vice President of Finance and Facilities
Effective date:
March 1, 2005
Last content update:
March 1, 2005


This policy serves to clarify gift acceptance by faculty and staff.


The College President is authorized to accept gifts and grants made to Minnesota State Community and Technical College that support the College’s mission. All gifts and grants must be recorded in the Development Office Financial System. Before accepting a gift, all members of the College community should coordinate acceptance of financial gifts or gifts of real property (e.g., equipment, real estate, works of art, musical instruments, etc.) with the Development Office. All gifts and grants over $50,000 will be reported to the Minnesota State system Board of Trustees by the Development Office.


College President
  • Authorizes and accepts gifts and grants to Minnesota State Community and Technical College and affiliated foundations.
Campus Designee, Vice President for Advancement and Deans
  • Support faculty and staff in securing gifts and grants for campuses and programs.
College Development Offices
  • Assist faculty and staff with correct procedures to accept gifts.
  • Maintain donor records and coordinate correspondence with donors.
  • Report gifts to the Minnesota State system.
  • Seek Presidential approval for acceptance of gifts and grants.
Campus Development Officer
  • Assist faculty and staff in securing and accepting gifts to M State and affiliated foundations.
  • Determine donor intent and make donor aware of options for giving.
  • Notify College Development Office of pending gift and ensure that College and Minnesota State system policies are followed.
  • Work with Communications Office on appropriate public recognition.
  • Work with College Development Office on appropriate recognition and stewardship of gift.
Faculty and staff
  • Solicit donations within their community and career areas.
  • Coordinate donor solicitation plan and activity with Campus Development Officer to ensure compliance with correct procedure.

Associate Policies and Procedures

Minnesota State Community and Technical College College Advancement Policy

Minnesota State system Board Policy 5.15 Fund Raising

Minnesota State system Board Policy 7.7 Gift and Grants Acceptance