M州's Criminal Justice program is intended to prepare students to successfully pass the 明尼苏达州 Peace Office Standards and Training (POST) board examination to meet 明尼苏达州 licensure requirements.

明尼苏达州 is unique in its licensing system for peace officers as most other states retain some form of academy training followed by certification of the individual officer. 明尼苏达州 requires those aspiring to work in law enforcement to complete an educational program and pass a state board exam. Licensing itself only occurs when eligible candidates are appointed to a peace officer position and certain selection standards are met. Licensing is a cooperative process between the POST Board, the hiring agency and the candidate. 在某些情况下, state agencies allow people with peace officer experience from another state to meet licensure requirements by taking a reciprocity exam. Contact the appropriate licensing agency in the state interested in being licensed in to determine if there are reciprocity exams available.

状态状态 Licensing Board or Department状态 Licensing Requirements笔记
阿拉巴马州 不确定 
阿拉斯加 不确定 
美属萨摩亚 不确定 
亚利桑那州 不确定 
阿肯色州 不确定 
加州 不确定 
科罗拉多州 不确定 
康涅狄格 不确定 
特拉华州 不确定 
District of Columbia 不确定 
佛罗里达 不确定 
乔治亚州 不确定 
关岛 不确定 
夏威夷 不确定 
爱达荷州 不确定 
伊利诺斯州 不确定 
印第安纳州 不确定 
爱荷华州爱荷华州 Department of Public Safety不符合爱荷华州 does accept M州's criminal justice degree which exceeds the required hours dedicated to criminal justice, however the state requires additional 爱荷华州 Police Academy training to learn state laws and participation in hands-on training. It is recommended students contact the 爱荷华州 Police Department for more information as there may be an option to attend a shortened academy.
堪萨斯 不确定 
肯塔基州 不确定 
路易斯安那州 不确定 
缅因州 不确定 
马里兰 不确定 
麻萨诸塞州 不确定 
密歇根 不确定 
明尼苏达州明尼苏达州 Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST)满足This program is specifically designed to prepare students for the 明尼苏达州 Peace Office Standards and Training (POST) board examination. Students should also check at the time of application to ask prospective employers about city requirements for employment (e.g. 最低年龄).
密西西比州 不确定 
密苏里州 不确定 
蒙大拿 不确定 
内布拉斯加州 不确定 
内华达 不确定 
新汉普郡 不确定 
新泽西 不确定 
新墨西哥 不确定 
纽约 不确定 
北卡罗莱纳 不符合北卡罗莱纳 does not require a degree, but does require completion of their academy to learn state-specific laws.
北达科他北达科他 Peace Officer Standards and Training Board满足This program meets state requirements, however students should also check at the time of application to ask if there are additional city requirements (e.g. minimum number of college credits needed, 最低年龄).
Northern Mariana Islands 不确定 
俄亥俄州 不确定 
俄克拉何马州 不确定 
俄勒冈州俄勒冈州 Department of Public Safety Standards and Training不确定 
宾西法尼亚 不确定 
波多黎各 不确定 
罗德岛州 不确定 
南卡罗来纳 不确定 
南达科塔州 满足南达科塔州 requires a minimum of a high school diploma and age 21. There is not a state degree requirement; however, a 13-week academy may be required by the local law enforcement department to be completed after being hired. Students should contact the department they are applying to for more specific information since requirements vary by department.
田纳西州 不确定 
德州德州 Commission on Law Enforcement满足This program meets state requirements; however, students should also check at the time of application to ask if there are additional city requirements (e.g. minimum number of college credits needed, 最低年龄).
US Virgin Islands 不确定 
犹他州 不确定 
佛蒙特州 不确定 
维吉尼亚州 不确定 
华盛顿 不确定 
西维吉尼亚州 不确定 
威斯康辛州 不确定 
怀俄明 不确定 

Disclaimer: The college makes every effort to ensure the information above is current, but please be advised that state laws, regulations and policies may change at any time. It is the responsibility of the student completing the licensure program to check with the licensing board(s) in their state of residence or in the state in which they intend to obtain a license for the most recent information and requirements. M州 shall not be held liable if a student is unable to qualify for licensure or certification in any jurisdiction or cannot obtain a practicum/internship location.