认证/注册: 的目的 American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification and registration is to recognize individuals qualified to perform a specific role. 例如, the purpose of M州's Radiography certification and registration is to recognize individuals who are qualified to perform the role of a radiographer. Certification and registration requires satisfaction of certain professional standards in medical imaging, interventional procedures or radiation therapy.

许可: In most states, a state license must be obtained before you can work as a radiologic technologist. That differs from ARRT certification and registration. If you want to become certified and registered with ARRT, you must meet ARRT requirements and apply to ARRT. If you want to obtain a state license, you must meet the individual state’s requirements and apply directly to that state. More than 75 percent of states have licensing laws covering the practice of radiologic technology. In those states, you must obtain a state license before you can work as a radiologic technologist. In addition, many states use ARRT exam scores and/or credentials when making licensing decisions. 换句话说, some - but not all - states require you to be certified and registered through ARRT before you can obtain a state license. Keep in mind that earning an ARRT credential doesn’t necessarily mean you’re eligible to work in a particular state. You’ll need to meet that state’s requirements. 的 American Society of Radiologic Technologists website may be another helpful resource.

状态状态 Licensing Board or Department州许可要求笔记
阿拉斯加阿拉斯加 Department of Health and Social Services不确定 
美属萨摩亚 不确定 
亚利桑那州亚利桑那州 Department of Health Services不确定 
加州加州 Department of Public Health不确定 
科罗拉多州科罗拉多州 Department of Public Health and Environment不确定 
康涅狄格康涅狄格 状态 Department of Public Health不确定 
特拉华州特拉华州 Office of Radiation Control不确定 
乔治亚州N/A满足Licenses equipment; does not license personnel.
关岛 不确定 
爱达荷州爱达荷州 Department of Health and Welfare不确定 
伊利诺斯州伊利诺斯州 Emergency Management Agency不确定 
爱荷华州爱荷华州 Department of Public Health不确定 
肯塔基州肯塔基州 Board of Medical Imaging and Radiation 的rapy不确定 
路易斯安那州路易斯安那州 状态 放射技术 Board不确定 
缅因州状态 of 缅因州 Professional and Financial Regulation不确定 
麻萨诸塞州麻萨诸塞州 Radiation Control Program不确定 
密歇根密歇根 Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity不确定 
明尼苏达州明尼苏达州卫生部满足Certification by the ARRT is required in 明尼苏达州, but currently licensure is not required (see certification and licensure explanations for the program above). M州's Radiography Technology program meets the curriculum criteria of the ARRT and ASRT.
密西西比州密西西比州 状态 Department of Health不确定 
蒙大拿蒙大拿 Board of Radiologic Technologists不确定 
内布拉斯加州内布拉斯加州 Department of Health and Human Services不确定 
内华达内华达 Department of Health and Human Services不确定 
新汉普郡新汉普郡 Office of Professional Licensure and Certification不确定 
新泽西新泽西 Department of Environmental Protection Radiation Protection Element不确定 
新墨西哥新墨西哥 Environment Department不确定 
北达科他北达科他 Medical Imaging and Radiation 的rapy Board满足北达科他 requires ARRT certification/registration and 北达科他 state license. M州's 放射技术 program meets the criteria for students to graduate from the program and be eligible to take the ARRT certification/registry exam.
北马里亚纳群岛 不确定 
俄勒冈州俄勒冈州 Board of Medical Imaging不确定 
宾西法尼亚宾西法尼亚 Department of Environmental Protection不确定 
波多黎各 不确定 
罗德岛州罗德岛州 Department of Health不确定 
南卡罗来纳南卡罗来纳 Radiation Quality Standards Association不确定 
田纳西州田纳西州 Department of Health不确定 
美属维尔京群岛 不确定 
犹他州犹他州 Department of Commerce Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing不确定 
佛蒙特州佛蒙特州 Office of Professional Regulation不确定 
维吉尼亚州维吉尼亚州 Department of Health Professions不确定 
华盛顿华盛顿 状态 Department of Health不确定 
西维吉尼亚州西维吉尼亚州 Medical Imaging and Radiation 的rapy Technology Board不确定 
威斯康辛州威斯康辛州 Department of Safety and Professional Services满足 
怀俄明怀俄明 Department of Administration and Information不确定 

Disclaimer: 的 college makes every effort to ensure the information above is current, but please be advised that state laws, regulations and policies may change at any time. It is the responsibility of the student completing the licensure program to check with the licensing board(s) in their state of residence or in the state in which they intend to obtain a license for the most recent information and requirements. M州 shall not be held liable if a student is unable to qualify for licensure or certification in any jurisdiction or cannot obtain a practicum/internship location.